Rewatched June 4rd, 2024

Two genuinely painful movies to sit through. I was constantly checking how much longer each film had left in their run times.

I can’t even remember what happened between each movie, the lines just blur. Forgettable trash. Himekawa and Nishijima play a bigger role in these films, but they might as well not even be there. The plot of Himekawa, a former Chosen Child who lost their partner is executed so poorly here. I’m happy to say in a future movie this idea is revisited and greatly improved. Otherwise, Coexistence is such a snore. Who could have guessed how annoying Meiko and Meicoomon are? Genuinely awful characters, what were they thinking? Taichi’s sacrifice means nothing because, he’s the main character. I knew even from the first time watching that he wouldn’t die.

Future has one good thing going for it. In the first half hour or so, Gabumon gives Yamato a pep talk after the latter finds himself in leadership role in Taichi’s absence. It’s a genuinely beautiful speech, absolutely butchered in the dubbing of the movies. It loses all meaning and importance to the scene. It’s baffling that they didn’t care enough to translate it for the English dub. That’s all the good things I have to say about Future. It sure is a movie.

The best thing to come out of these movies are the promotional pieces, posters, and full cast rendition of Butter-fly. Don’t even bother with these movies.

My rating: ⭐1/2


My rating: ⭐⭐